Intensive Care Skills
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation belongs to the basic skills and knowledge of not only medical people. The ability to animate a person in the breaking crisis of clinical death has already come to the arsenal of practical skills of any civilized person. There are a lot of courses for studying practical resuscitation skills for ordinary people. In spite of the fact that the majority of employees of our staff have medical education (they are doctors and nurses), we annually hold hands-on courses on maintaining necessary resuscitation skills in our Center.
The chief faculty of such courses is Dr.Andrey Khrapov, the doctor of our emergency care unit. The employees of the Center assisted Dr.Khrapov by turn. The courses are held interactively, they consist of theory and training on models (adult and child). Dr.Khrapov and his assistants do real very important work – they constantly train and support the skills to render the first aid in life-threatening situations.