Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 132/1

General information about Federal Neurosurgical Center, Novosibirsk, Russia

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General information about Federal Neurosurgical Center, Novosibirsk, Russia

Federal state facility "Federal Neurosurgical Center" of Russian Federation Healthcare Ministry has began neurosurgical activity in September 2012. Center was built as a national project "Health" for rendering medical assistance for population od Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts and others districts of Russian Federation. 

Here we offer to patients almost all kinds of hightechnological neurosurgical medical assistance. Minimal invasive technics are our priority. 

Center has state of the art hightechnological equipment from world known vendors which allows using the most advanced technics and methods. 

All physicians of Center have many years of neurosurgical practice experience and are truly professionals in their field. 

Citizens of Russia get medical assistance at the expense of federal budget and it is completely free for citizen.

Center successfully performs surgical treatment of neuralgia of trigeminal nerve (video). 

Also neurosurgeons of Center take part in surgeries in others cities of Russian Federation: spinal cord neurosimulation (Murmansk city). 
Video about the work of the Federal Center for Neurosurgery, Novosibirsk.