The IIIrd Siberian Neurosurgical Congress
"Dear colleagues and friends!
It’s been a long time since we (all of us belonging to the world neurosurgical society) gathered together. We are all tired of scientific and educational events that are held in online format due to anti-epidemiologic restrictions. We started to have keen senses and appreciate the happiness of meetings with friends, colleagues and partners, possibilities to travel, talk to each other, share plans and hopes with each other. In all the life fuss we haven’t noticed small things that were necessary for happiness: health and wealth of our relatives, short meetings with old friends on scientific conferences during coffee-breaks, interesting lectures on current professional problems. I do hope that there will be less restrictions on transfers and holding “live” meetings, congresses, conferences, symposia, 2022.
In this connection I would like to inform all the members of our professional Russian community that we are planning to hold the IIIrd Siberain Neurosurgical Congress (July 11-17, 2022) in Novosibirsk. I would like to invite you for participation in this event.
The Program promises to be very interesting. We suppose to hold 3 hands-on courses:
- On intraoperative neuro monitoring;
- On clipping of aneurysms with fluorescent angiography;
- On spinal epidural stimulation.
Preliminary program is available on the websites of the Federal Neurosurgical Center, Siberian Association of Neurosurgeons “SibNeuro” and “SKAF” company.
The schedule of hands-on courses and the main scientific program will be actualized in the near future.
I request you to remember these dates and start planning the trip to Novosibirsk in the mid of summer 2022!
With the best regards,
Jamil Rzaev