A theoretical and practical conference "Innovative technologies of Siemens".
Efficient operation of any medical institution is impossible without professional doctors. Medicine is developing quite rapidly, more and more new methods and technologies for the treatment of certain diseases appear every year, so that doctors should keep his eye on the ball and be aware of current events in the world of medicine.
There is no doubt that constant self-training plays an important role in this process, but do not underestimate the social events - various conventions, conferences, exhibitions and other events organized to gather together experts of a particular field of medicine to discuss topical issues and problems.
Such events give doctors a chance to share experiences with colleagues from different medical institutions not only from our country but also from all around the world. Doctors also can make useful contacts, which further lead to a long and fruitful collaboration.
In this section, we will cover upcoming and past events, the organizers or the participants of which are doctors of our Center. And reviews about participation in various activities will be available to read.
We hope that this information will be interesting for our colleagues and will be useful in their future work. We will be glad to see you, colleagues, on medical events!
March 17, 2015 at the Federal Neurosurgical Center was a theoretical and practical conference "Innovative technologies of Siemens." Managers and leading specialists in radiology, computer tomography, MRI, angiography and medical-information technology of the company "Siemens" came to the conference.
The conference was led by Michael E. Amelin, MD, radiologist, head of Radiodiagnosis division of the FNC.
The first speaker was Kirill A. Shaikov, MD, a leading expert in "Radiology." He began his speech with a story about the history of Siemens in the USSR and Russia. After that Kirill presented the product line of X-ray devices for operating rooms (C-arcs), produced by the company to address various surgical problem (orthopedic and traumatological surgery, spinal surgery, vascular surgery, cardiosurgery, surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity, the treatment of pain and general surgery). Systems of product line Arcadis also was presented.
The final part of the report was devoted to the optimization of surgery using 3D-technology and navigation systems, improve safety and accuracy of surgery, shorten the operation time, reduce the radiation dose to the patient and staff.
The second report, "Computer tomography for neurosurgery", Dmitri A. Ilyin, head of the "Computer tomography" division, started with information about CT SIEMENS in numbers. After that Dmitri A. presented portfolio of the company SIEMENS, describing each system in a line of manufactured equipment. Systems SOMATOM Definition Edge and the SOMATOM Definition Flash were described in more details. Report were continued with the theme of the use of intraoperative CT systems intended for intraoperative research, monitoring stereotactic interventions, neuronavigation system, the implementation of 3D-trajectory control of a surgical instrument. In relation to spinal neurosurgery, such systems could perform preoperative marking, intraoperative monitoring of screw installation and postoperative control of steel constructions.
Next report by Tamara V. Kashuta was about "Modern technologies and clinical capabilities of MRI in neurology and neurosurgery." At the beginning of the report the whole range of magnetic resonance tomographs MAGNETOM was presented, then Tamara V. demonstrated the capabilities of the new radio frequency coils with a wide resolution to visualize subtle anatomic structures, allows up to 514 lines of diffusion for ultrasensitive imaging of diffusion spectrum. Intraoperative MRIs were reviewed; they allow controlling the operation directly during it. A number of applications to improve the quality and reduce the impact of metal artifacts were also reviewed.
The following report was devoted to SIEMENS equipment for Interventional Neuroradiology and Endovascular Neurosurgery. Valeriy V. Matvienko, Head of "Angiography" division reported about systems Artis zee, described the new capabilities of the devices, which can facilitate the work of the doctor in the operating room and reduce the radiation dose with good quality visualization.
Valeriy V. focused on the 3D technology in the X-ray operating room and DynaCT. Advanced features of SIEMENS hybrid operating were separately considered in the report
Next Michael O. Pereversev, Ph.D., head of the "Medical Information Technology" division presented the theme "Software as a key tool of the radiologist." The report demonstrated the potential of modern information technologies for the diagnosis in neurosurgery. Michael O. paid much attention to intelligent algorithms of diagnostic imaging processing as well as diagnostic process automatization to improve the accuracy, standardize results and reduce the time of diagnosis. SIEMENS systems syngo.via and syngo.plaza, designed for post-processing, archiving and transmission of medical diagnostic images have been described by Michael O. The advantages of server-based systems that provide comprehensive diagnostic tools based on all diagnostic data at any workstation were remarked.
In conclusion, Michael E. Amelin delivered a report "Practical application of perfusion CT scan of the brain". He described the basics of the method, the principles of image interpretation, various aspects of the method in neuroimaging. A subject of application of perfusion CT in ischemic changes, neoplastic brain lesions, evaluation of treatment outcomes were traversed in the report. Perfusion CT has been positioned as a highly sensitive method for assessing cerebral blood flow, intracranial mass, applicable in many clinical situations.