Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 132/1

A visit of specialists from the USA.

Efficient operation of any medical institution is impossible without professional doctors. Medicine is developing quite rapidly, more and more new methods and technologies for the treatment of certain diseases appear every year, so that doctors should keep his eye on the ball and be aware of current events in the world of medicine.

There is no doubt that constant self-training plays an important role in this process, but do not underestimate the social events - various conventions, conferences, exhibitions and other events organized to gather together experts of a particular field of medicine to discuss topical issues and problems.

Such events give doctors a chance to share experiences with colleagues from different medical institutions not only from our country but also from all around the world. Doctors also can make useful contacts, which further lead to a long and fruitful collaboration.

In this section, we will cover upcoming and past events, the organizers or the participants of which are doctors of our Center. And reviews about participation in various activities will be available to read.

We hope that this information will be interesting for our colleagues and will be useful in their future work. We will be glad to see you, colleagues, on medical events!

27 November 2024

Выступление проф. Славина (Чикаго, США)On November 15 – 22, 2014 specialists from the USA had visited the Federal Neurosurgical Center. 

Professor, neurosurgeon Konstantin V.Slavin (University of Illinois, Chicago) and neurologist Leonard Verhagen (Rush University Medical Center, Chicago) had visited the Federal Neurosurgical Center with some lectures and consultants for the specialists of the Federal neurosurgical center.

The doctors of the functional division of the Center performed the following types of surgical procedures under control of specialists from Chicago:


-       DBS (deep brain stimulation) in patients with Parkinson’s disease and dystonia;

-       VNS (vagal nerve stimulation) in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy;

-       Balloon micro compression of Gasserian ganglion;

-       Radiofrequency rhizotomy of trigeminal nerve branch;

-       Microvascular decompression of trigeminal nerve root;

-       DREZ-procedure;

-       SCS (implantation of electrodes and permanent neurostimulator for spinal epidural stimulation) for treatment of chronical pain syndrome.


The guests delivered some interesting lectures on the following topics:

-       “The choice of patients with extrapyramidal pathology of nervous system” (Leonard Verhagen, USA).

-       “The future of functional neurosurgery”, “VNS (vagal nerve stimulation) in treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy” (Konstantin V.Slavin, USA).


Such visits of foreign scientists and specialists to our Center have become a good tradition. We’ll try to hold up these traditions in the future.

Video 1.

Video 2.

