Scientific events
Efficient operation of any medical institution is impossible without professional doctors. Medicine is developing quite rapidly, more and more new methods and technologies for the treatment of certain diseases appear every year, so that doctors should keep his eye on the ball and be aware of current events in the world of medicine.
There is no doubt that constant self-training plays an important role in this process, but do not underestimate the social events - various conventions, conferences, exhibitions and other events organized to gather together experts of a particular field of medicine to discuss topical issues and problems.
Such events give doctors a chance to share experiences with colleagues from different medical institutions not only from our country but also from all around the world. Doctors also can make useful contacts, which further lead to a long and fruitful collaboration.
In this section, we will cover upcoming and past events, the organizers or the participants of which are doctors of our Center. And reviews about participation in various activities will be available to read.
We hope that this information will be interesting for our colleagues and will be useful in their future work. We will be glad to see you, colleagues, on medical events!

On April 8, 2015 at the Center a regular meeting of the Novosibirsk Endocrinologists Association was held.
On April 2, 2015 at the Federal Neurosurgical Center a regular meeting of the Novosibirsk Regional Scientific and Practical Society of Anesthesiologists and Resuscitators on t...
March 20, 2015 Andrey A. Grin, M.D., the chief neurosurgeon of Moscow Health Department, a Senior Researcher of Emergency department of the Institute of Emergency Care named after...
March 17, 2015 at the Federal Neurosurgical Center was a theoretical and practical conference Innovative technologies of Siemens. Managers and leading specialists of the company S...
February 25, 2015 Theoretical and Practical conference, dedicated to the actual problem of Functional Neurosurgery - facial pains, was held at the Federal Neurosurgical Center...
MoreOn December 11-13, 2014 we hosted the guests from Japan. Representatives from Tokyo Womens Medical University and specialists from HITACHI Company visited our Center.
MoreOn November 15 22, 2014 specialists from the USA had visited the Federal Neurosurgical Center.
MoreOn November 10-14, 2014 Surgical brain revascularization workshop under the leadership of Scientific Director of the center Vladimir V.Krylov was held in the Federal Neurosurgical ...
MoreOn October 30-31, 2014 Functional Neurosurgery annual educational course took place in the Federal Neurosurgical Center.
MoreOn October 12-14, 2014 the doctors of the Center visited the 4th Japan Russia Neurosurgical Symposium being held in Hiroshima (Japan).