Activities on Studying of Speaking Functions

The Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk) has been maintaining friendly and working relations with the leading research institutes of Russia for many years participating in joint scientific projects.
One of such projects together with a group of researchers under the leadership of O.Dragoy, DLitt from the Center for Language and Brain (Higher School of economics, Moscow), is studying speaking functions before, during and after awake surgery on brain.
The Center for Language and Brain has been studying the problems of neurovisualization of language zones on pre-operational stage for a long time; it also deals with the problems of speech testing during surgical procedures on brain.
Application of current neurovisualization methods (MR-tractography) at the stage of pre-operational planning allows neurosurgeons concluding about dimentional interrelations of language zones and brain tumor, striving for preserving speech in patients in post-operational period.
Testing of speaking functions during surgery allows monitoring these functions in real-time mode; it is also a mark for a neurosurgeon.
The usage of these methods in current clinical practice improves significantly the results of awake surgery.
A neurosurgeon of neurooncological division of our Center, Dr.Oleg M.Andrushkevich was on a working visit in the Center for Language and Brain on November 15, 2022. Practical aspects of pre-operational planning (MR-tractography), topical issues of patients’ speech testing during awake surgery were discussed during the visit.
Experience exchange in similar format allows doctors of our Center applying scientific knowledge in their clinical practice that improves efficiency of medical aid to patients.