Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 132/1

“Poor results of drug-resistant epilepsy: problems, mistakes, solutions” Conference

14 April 2023

Dear colleagues!

We are glad to announce that a conference on “Poor results of drug-resistant epilepsy: problems, mistakes, solutions” will be held at the premises of our Center in October.

Date: October 08, 2022 (Saturday)

Venue: Conference-hall of the Federal Neurosurgical Center, 132/1 Nemirovich-Danchenko street, Novosibirsk

Conference moderator:

Aleksandr B.Dmitriev, MD, PhD, a neurosurgeon, Head of functional division of the Federal Neurosurgical center (Novosibirsk)


Aleksandr S.Shershever, MD, PhD, Professor of nervous diseases, neurosurgery and medical genetics department of the “Ural State Medical Academy” (Yekaterinburg);

Mikhail V.Barkhatov, MD, PhD, epileptologists, Chief external pediatric neurologist of the Siberian Federal District, The Center of epileptology and pediatric neurology of M.V.Barkhatov (Krasnoyarsk);

Aleksandr B.Dmitriev, MD, PhD, a neurosurgeon, Head of functional division of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk);

Fyodor A.Efremov, a neurosurgeon of functional division of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk);

Vladimir S.Dementievskiy, a neurosurgeon of functional division of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk);

Viktoriya G.Nezdorovina, MD, PhD, a neurosurgeon, Head of division #2 of Professor A.L.Polenov Russian Research Neurosurgical Institute (St.-Petersburg);

Stanislav M.Malyshev, MD, PhD, neurologist of Professor A.L.Polenov Russian Research Neurosurgical Institute (St.-Petersburg);

Galina V.Odintsova, MD, neurologist, Head of research laboratory of epileptology of Professor A.L.Polenov Russian Research Neurosurgical Institute (St.-Petersburg);

Tayana A.Salomatina, a neuropsychologist of Professor A.L.Polenov Russian Research Neurosurgical Institute (St.-Petersburg);

Nastasya B.Arkhipova, a neurologist of Professor A.L.Polenov Russian Research Neurosurgical Institute (St.-Petersburg);

Igor S.Trifonov, MD, PhD, a neurosurgeon of the medical center of A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (Moscow);

Nikita V.Pedyash, a neurosurgeon of N.I.Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center (Moscow);

Nikita P.Utyashev, a neurologist-epileptologist of N.I.Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center (Moscow);

Nikita O.Ivnin, a neurologist-epileptologist of N.I.Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center (Moscow);

Vladimir B.Solovyev, a neurologist-epileptologist, Head of the laboratory of pre-surgical monitoring “Morozov Pediatric Clinical Hospital” of the Moscow Department of Health (Moscow);

Aleksandr V.Levov, a neurosurgeon of “Morozov Pediatric Clinical Hospital” of the Moscow Department of Health (Moscow);

Anastasiya A.Khalepa, a neurophysiologist, neurologist of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk);

Sergey A.Kim, a neurosurgeon of pediatric division of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk);

Olga I.Miguskina, epileptologist of “Algorythm” Center of epilepsy, paroxysmal states and sleep disorders (Novosibirsk);

Elena N.Paramonova, epileptologist, Director, Physician-in-Chief of “Algorythm” Center of epilepsy, paroxysmal states and sleep disorders (Novosibirsk);

Iosif V.Volkov, MD, PhD, Head of epileptological center of St.Valentine based on the multi-specialty clinic “SibNeuroMed” (Novosibirsk);

Oksana K.Volkova, neurologist, epileptologist of the multi-specialty clinic “SibNeuroMed” (Novosibirsk);

Olga I.Shestakova, MD, PhD, Head of the Center of Neurology and Epileptology of St.Panteleimon based on “EuroMed” Multi-specialty center of modern medicine; associate professor of neurological and neurosurgical department of the Omsk State Medical University, a neurologist of Omsk Pediatric Clinical Hospital (Omsk);

Diana V.Dmitrienko, MD, PhD, Professor, a neurologist, epileptologist, Head of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University of Professor V.F.Voino-Yasenetskiy” (Krasnoyarsk);

Mikhail E.Amelin, MD, PhD, radiologist, Head of X-Ray division of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk);

Anastasiya S.Guzeeva, neurologist of the scientific-advisory department of the Academician N.N.Burdenko National Medical Research Neurosurgical Center (Moscow);

Margarita V.Mazalova, neurologist, epileptologist of video-EEG monitoring laboratory of “Center of Epilepsy” clinic (Moscow).


09.00-09.05 Opening remarks, welcome words (A.Dmitriev)

I. DIAGNOSTIC PROBLEMS                                

09.05-09.20 “Correlation of MRI findings with clinical manifestation of epilepsy” (M.Amelin)

09.20-09.25 Discussion

09.25-09.35 “Functional MRI: is everything so evident?” (T.Salomatina)

09.35-09.40 Discussion

09.40-09.55 “MR visualization of cortical dysplasia” (M.Amelin)

09.55-10.00 Discussion

10.00-10.15 “Potential success / failure of surgical treatment of epilepsy on the results of video-EEG” (A.Khalepa)

10.15-10.20 Discussion

10.20-10.35 “Video-EEG: unsuccessful doubles” (N.Utyashev)

10.35-10.40 Discussion

10.40-10.55 “Stereo EEG – answers to all questions?” (N.Pedyash)

10.55-11.00 Discussion 

11.00-11.15 “Unsuccessful outcomes of respective surgery of physical roentgen equivalent after invasive monitoring of different modalities” (V.Dementevskiy)

11.15-11.20 Discussion


11.20-11.35 “Dynamics of fits development in patients with unilateral temporal focal areas after frontal temporal lobectomy” (A.Shershever)

11.35-11.40 Discussion

11.40-11.55 “Return episodes after epilepsy surgery. Literature review and actual experience” (A.Dmitriev)

11.55-12.00 Discussion

12.00-12.10 “Cognitive, psychic, emotional after-effects and some non-typical complications of physical roentgen equivalent. Clinical examples” (V.Nezdorovina)

12.10-12.15 Discussion

12.15-12.30  Coffee-break

12.30-12.45  “Positive things in a negative way” (N.Ivnin)

12.45-12.50  Discussion

12.50-13.05 “Risk factors of epileptic seizures outbreak after resection surgery” (S.Malyshev)

13.05-13.10 Discussion

13.10-13.25 “Predictors of success and failures in epilepsy surgery in children with glioneuronal tumors” (M.Mazalov)

13.25-13.30 Discussion

13.30-13.45 “MR-negativity of epileptogenic areas boarders in patients with MR-positive structural drug-resistant epilepsy. Clinical case” (A.Levov)

13.45-13.50 Discussion

13.50-14.05 “Recurrence of onsets after hemispherotomy: reasons and tactics choice” (S.Kim)

14.05-14.10 Discussion

14.10-14.25 “Generalized form of epilepsy as a reason of neurosurgical treatment failures in patients with tuberous sclerosis. Clinical case” (V.Soloviev)

14.25-14.30 Discussion


14.30-14.45 “VNS therapy after non-effective respective surgery of epilepsy” (I.Trifonov)

14.45-14.50 Discussion

14.50-15.05 “DBS-therapy in treatment of recurrent physical roentgen equivalent” (F.Efremov)

15.05-15.10 Discussion

15.10-15.25 “From resection to VNS” (M.Barkhatov)

15.25-15.30 Discussion

15.30-15.45  Coffee-break               


15.45-16.05 Why surgery was unsuccessful. A point of view of an epileptologist” (I.Volkov. O.Volkova, O.Miguskina, E.Paramonova)

16.05-16.10 Discussion

16.10-16.25 “Aggravation of epileptiform activity in patients with Engel. Clinical case” (O.Shestakova)

16.25-16.30 Discussion

16.30-16.45 “Drug-resistant mesial epilepsy – two-sided disease?” (D.Dmitrienko)

16.45-16.50 Discussion

16.50-17.05 “Poor results of physical roentgen equivalent surgery from a neurologist’s point of view” (G.Odintsova)

17.05-17.10   Discussion

17.10-17.25 “Psychogenic non-epileptic onsets and surgery of epilepsy” (N.Arkhipova)

17.25-17.30  Discussion

17.30-17.45 “Possible solutions after unsuccessful surgery of epilepsy” (A.Guzeeva)

17.45-18.15 Discussion, summing-up, closing remarks.
