Siberian Neurosurgical Congress

17 August 2016
Dear colleagues!
On July 14-16, 2016 Siberian Neurosurgical Congress will be held in Novosibirsk.
The event will be held under the auspices of:
- The Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation;
- Association of Russian Neurosurgeons;
- The Ministry of Public Health of Novosibirsk region;
- Siberian Association of Neurosurgeons (SibNeuro);
- Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons;
- Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk).
With participation of:
- The Academician N.N.Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery (Moscow);
- N.V.Sklifosovsky Scientific Research Institute of First Aid (Moscow);
- Professor A.L.Polenov Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery (St.-Petersburg);
- I.I.Dzhanelidze Scientific Research Institute of First Aid (St.-Petersburg).
Important dates:
Acceptance of applications for reports: until April 30, 2016
Preliminary registration of participants: until July 12, 2016
Educational Program: until July 14, 2016
Scientific Program: until July 15-16, 2016
Venue: “RiverPark” hotel (Novosibirsk, 2 Dobrolyubov street); “Rechnoy Vokzal” Business-Center (Novosibirsk, 2a Dobrolyubov street);
Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk, 132/1 Nemirovich-Danchenko street).
Congress Presidents:
Academician A.N.Konovalov, The President of Russian Neurosurgeons Association
Academician V.V.Krylov, Chief Neurosurgeon of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation.
Honorary Congress Presidents:
The Minister of Public Health of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, V.I.Skvortsova
The Minister of Public Health of Novosibirsk region O.I.Ivaninskiy
Congress Vice-Presidents:
Academician A.A.Potapov, Director of The Academician N.N.Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery
I.V.Yakovenko, Director of Professor A.L.Polenov Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery
Professor V.E.Parfenov, Director of I.I.Dzhanelidze Scientific Research Institute of First Aid
Program Committee Chairman:
D.A.Rzaev, Candidate of Medicine, Chief Neurosurgeon of the Siberian Federal District, Physician-in-Chief of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk).
Program Committee:
M.E.Amelin, Candidate of Medicine, Novosibirsk
A.G.Bogoslovsky, Surgut
Professor Z.L.Brodskaya, St.-Petersburg
Professor S.K.Gorelishev, Moscow
Professor A.Y.Grigoriev, Moscow
Professor A.A.Grin, Moscow
Professor A.V.Gubin, Kurgan
Professor V.G.Dashyan, Moscow
Professor M.G.Dralyuk, Krasnoyarsk
Professor A.G.Kalinichev, Omsk
V.S.Kolotvinov, Candidate of Medicine, Yekaterinburg
Professor N.A.Konovalov, Moscow
A.V.Krutko, Doctor of Medicine, Novosibirsk
V.I.Larkin, Doctor of Medicine, Omsk
O.V.Levchenko, Doctor of Medicine, Moscow
Professor A.A.Lutsik, Novokuznetsk
Professor Y.V.Nazinkina, St.-Petersburg
K.Y.Orlov, Candidate of Medicine, Novosibirsk
Professor S.S.Petrikov, Moscow
S.I.Petrov, Candidate of Medicine, Irkutsk
A.V.Semenov, Candidate of Medicine, Irkutsk
Professor V.V.Stupak, Novosibirsk
Professor A.A.Sufianov, Tyumen
S.V.Tanyashin, Doctor of Medicine, Moscow
I.S.Trifonov, Moscow
Professor T.N.Trofimova, St.-Petersburg
A.A.Tomskiy, candidate of Medicine, Moscow
Professor Y.A.Shulev, St.-Petersburg
Local Committee:
V.E.Guzhin, Candidate of Medicine
A.B.Dmitriev, Candidate of Medicine
A.V.Evsyukov, Candidate of Medicine
A.V.Kalinovsky, Candidate of Medicine
V.S.Kiselev, Candidate of Medicine
V.S.Klimov, Candidate of Medicine
G.V.Letyagin, Candidate of Medicine
G.I.Mojsak, Candidate of Medicine
S.V.Chernov, Candidate of Medicine
Preliminary schedule:
July 14:
• A course on micro anastomosis (10 participants).
Program and participation conditions will be posted on and after January 12, 2016.
• A course on skull base surgery (20 participants).
Program and participation conditions will be posted on and after January 12, 2016.
July 15-16 – Plenary and section meetings
Preliminary topics of the Congress:
• Vascular neurosurgery
• Cerebrocranial trauma
• Neurooncology
• Pediatric neurosurgery
• Spinal neurosurgery
• Functional neurosurgery
• Radiodiagnostics in neurosurgery
• Intensive therapy, anesthesiology and intensive care in neurosurgery
Forms of participation in the Congress:
• Participation with a report
• Attendee
Abstracts publication:
Please note that only those participants who plan their personal participation in the Congress with reports or as attendees may publish their abstracts.
Submission guidelines
Abstracts are accepted only in electronic form in Word (version Word 97 and newer). The quality of abstracts from one author should not exceed 3. Abstracts size: abstracts should not be more than 2 text pages, line interval – 1,5, font – Times Roman, size – 14.
Abstracts handling procedures: titles of abstracts; names and surnames of authors; full name of organization, city, contact information (name, surname, telephone number, email address); abstract’s text.
Deadline for abstracts acceptance: until April 30, 2016.
Abstracts should be sent via email: by attached file in Word format. Please indicate the theme “Abstracts publication in the framework of the Siberian Neurosurgical Congress”.
Oral presentation:
Plenary report – 20 minutes.
Section report – 10 minutes.
Oral presentation applications are accepted together with abstracts. Deadline – April 30, 2016.
Congress program committee will consider an application and will inform you about its acceptance until June 10, 2016.
Organizational Committee reserves the right to limit the quantity of oral presentations and offer abstracts publication in the Congress book.
Participation conditions:
To participate in the Congress, it’s necessary to register at or to send a filled-out registration form via email: Those participants who registered online or sent a filled-out registration form until July 12, 2016 and got registration confirmation should be considered as registered participants.
In case of late registration (after July 12), Congress Organizational Committee could not guarantee all positions included into the package of participant.
Package of Congress participant – 3.500 RUR
It includes:
• Participation in scientific meeting of the Congress (except for educational courses on July 14);
• Participant’s case (plastic bag, writing block, a pen and badge)
• Abstracts book
• Program
• Certificate
• Meal options (July 15-16).
Payment methods:
• Bank transfer*
• Invoice (via bank)**
• Card payment beforehand***
• During registration
*We kindly request you to provide us the name of paying organization so that we could send you an invoice in case of bank transfer.
** In case of payment via bank, we’ll send you a receipt with payment details and sum of participation.
***In case of payment by card, we’ll provide you with an invoice with a sum of participation and a link to bank website. We accept Visa and MasterCard.
Booking and accommodation:
Official hotel of the event is “RiverPark” hotel (2, Dobrolyubov street, Novosibirsk). It is the venue of the Congress.
Detailed information about rooms categories, conditions of accommodation and price may be found here.
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