“Working with motor systems for neurosurgery” educational course.
17 August 2016
On November 26 at the premises of our center supported by “Aesculap” company there will be one-day educational course “Working with motor systems for neurosurgery” dedicated to microdrilling.
Total number of participants – 10.
Registration of participants for the course is over.
The faculty of the course is Yuriy A.Shuljev, MD, Professor, a Member of the North American Skull Base Society, Board member of World Spine Society, the Head of neurosurgical division #1 of the Second Municipal Multi-field Hospital of St.-Petersburg.
The Program of the course:
8:30 – 9:00 “Introduction to Motor Systems” (distinctions between high-speed and low-speed motors; comparison of pneumatic and electrical motor systems’ characteristics);
9:00 – 9:30 “Choice of appropriate drill” (characteristics and peculiarities of different types of drills; principles of drill choice for a definite purpose and its correct usage);
9:30 – 10:45 “Main approaches in neurosurgery (head)” (standard approaches, theory);
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break;
11:00 – 13:00 “Practice of motor systems usage on models and flat bones” (motor assembling, disassembling and its maintenance; peculiarities of different types of drills, their practical application; demonstration of typical mistakes in motor systems application (usage of blunt drills, creation of necrosis sites, etc.); special drills for usage in spinal neurosurgery);
13:00 – 13:45 Lunch;
13:45 – 15:45 “Practice of motor systems usage on models and flat bones” (motor assembling, disassembling and its maintenance; peculiarities of different types of drills, their practical application; demonstration of typical mistakes in motor systems application (usage of blunt drills, creation of necrosis sites, etc.); special drills for usage in spinal neurosurgery);
15:45 – 16:00 Coffee break;
16:00 – 18:00 “Practice of motor systems using on models and flat bones” (motor assembling, disassembling and its maintenance; peculiarities of different types of drills, their practical application; demonstration of typical mistakes in motor systems application (usage of blunt drills, creation of necrosis sites, etc.); special drills for usage in spinal neurosurgery).