Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 132/1

Participation in the International multidisciplinary seminar “Hemodunamics, Hypoperfusion, Coagulation Activation, DIC”

Participation in the International multidisciplinary seminar “Hemodunamics, Hypoperfusion, Coagulation Activation, DIC”
03 March 2022

The Chief of the Anesthesiology and reanimation division of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk), Dr.Vsevolod V.Luchanskiy took part in the international multidisciplinary seminar “Hemodynamics, Hypoperfusion, Coagulation Activation, DIC” that was held in Orhei (Moldova Republic) on November 20-24, 2021. The seminar was organized by the International educational platform VFPM (Verein zur Förderung der Perioperativen Medizin) together with EurAsia Heart Foundation (Switzerland). All the 5 days of the course were dedicated to the methods of estimation and correction of central hemodynamics, tissue perfusion and coagulation status of patients of high risk group in perioperational period. Dr.Luchanskiy presented his report on “Application of thromboelastography in neuroanesthesiology”.

