Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 132/1

“Blood management within the conditions of intensive care unit activities”

03 March 2022

The meeting of the Novosibirsk branch of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists Federation devoted to the issues of hemostasis and blood management was held at the premises of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk) on September 23, 2021.

The conference began with the report of Professor, MD, PhD, the Chief Transfusiologist of public health department of Moscow, Andrey Y.Bulanov. In his report was on “Blood management of a patient – concept, strategy, system” Professor Bulanov told about current approaches to transfusiological aid organization, special aspects of blood components management, hemostasis monitoring and blood replacement providing.

In the report “The usage of integral methods of hemostasis estimation: “Pro” et “Contra” Dr.Aleksey V.Bazhenov, MD, PhD, anesthesiologist-reanimatologist told the audience about hemostasis control methods.

The Chief of Intensive Care Unit of Krasnoyarsk clinical Center of Maternity and Child welfare service, Dr.Yuriy S.Raspolin continued the conference with his report on “Realization of RVM in the conditions of an obstetric hospital”. He told about the special aspects of blood management in obstetric practice with a special attention to the method of thromboelastography and machine retransfusion of blood in the hospital.

The theoretical part of the conference ended with a report of Dr. Vsevolod V.Luchanskiy, the Chief of Intensive Care Unit of the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk). He presented his report on “Thromboelastography in selective surgery. Clinical cases”. He shared his clinical observation of patients with severe hemostatic disorders and cited the dynamics of their thromboelastographic indications.

In the end of the conference the transfusiologist of our Center, Maria A.Kuzminikh and representative of Haemonetics Company Ilya Samolovov presented practical activities on ROTEM and TEG thromboelastographs on patients’ blood samples and answered the questions of the audience.

This was a joint event of AYAKS and “SibNeuro” Siberian Association of Neurosurgeons.

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