Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 132/1

Scientific articles competition - 2020

02 March 2022

The competition of scientific articles of young neurosurgeons and doctors of related to neurosurgery professions was launched by the “SibNeuro” Siberian Association of Neurosurgeons and is held annually since 2014. 

It’s necessary to stress the importance of this competition because of the possibility to participate in interesting educational events just in the beginning of their professional way. We also think that the victory gives the sense of self-efficacy.


A student of the I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow), Tatyana S.Bezbabicheva was the winner of the competition in 2020 with her article on “Spontaneous liquorrhea and high intracranial pressure: repeated episode risk factors, methods of treatment and patient surveillance”. She was awarded with a week training in the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk).
