Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 132/1

Participation of the specialists of the Center in online conference

Participation of the specialists of the Center in online conference
02 March 2022

Online conference on “Efficient activities of bacteriological service” was held on March 23, 2021.

The organizers of the conference was “Ayaks” company (Novosibirsk). The report on “Initial results of VITEK MS mass-spectrometer” was presented by the bacteriologist of the Center, Eugeniya N.Karlson.


The following issues were highlighted in the presentation:

·         Mechanism of MALDI-TOF function (time of flight matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization), process of specimen preparation and microorganisms identification;

·         Culture application technique on the targeted slide;

·         Initial results of microorganisms identification on mass-spectrometer.


Bacteriologists of Novosibirsk were the main audience. Presented information was very interesting and necessary for bacteriologists because VITEK MS (BioMerieux) mass-spectrometer is the first in Novosibirsk.
